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Cost Reduction Analysis

    We identify and anticipate your cost reductions at your current state, as well as look at your future plans to align both your cost reductions and your business growth strategies.

    Analyze your current work environment and processes

    We help identify areas, hardware, software, people, processes that are cost intensive and will deliver options on what and how to improve your business.

    Implementation and Ongoing Support

    We will be with you all the way through the process, starting with analyzing what is working, and outlining a detailed plan based on your envisioned outcome, we will roll out your new business strategy, including implementation of any agreed hardware, software, new processes, team training, and of course ongoing support for everyone involved.

    Key Steps for a Successful Cost Reduction Analysis
    • Understand your wishes, requirements, and challenges

    • Understand your business, processes, and challenges

    • Understand your team, their work, their processes and challenges

    •  Analyze your business

    • Match current state, desired outcome and necessary steps

    • Match currently technology, desired outcome and necessary technology

    • Match current team, desired outcome and necessary team changes

    • Workshop together with you a roadmap how everyone will get from A to B

    • Implement agreed steps (proof of concept, department by department, roll out in one go - depending on your company size, challenges and overall readiness for change)

    • Support you with change management strategy, training, train the trainer programs, and where necessary ongoing individual coaching

    • Ongoing technical and team support 

    • Regular cost, cost reduction, technology and team reviews to ensure everything and everyone is on track

    Integrated Solutions Approach

    A Cost Reduction Analysis, in most cases, is only the first step in a new direction. As we discover together the costs that need cost reduction management, we will also discover and propose what changes you will need to make to realize the identified cost-savings. It is our goal to future proof cost-savings management for your business. As such, we will look at any current current technology you are using, hardware and software, and business processes. We will review with you, your TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), how useful they are within a current workflow process, and what changes will help your team be more productive.

    We will also take a look at your teams and review their skill sets for efficiencies. In many cases, up- and cross-training can work magic to be more efficient.

    One Step at a Time

    Depending on your size and the necessary changes to achieve the desired cost-saving results, we may suggest rolling out new concepts location by location, and department by department, as different departments may require different changes, different types of new hardware/software and, of course, people training/coaching. The last thing we want is for anyone on your team, including yourself, to feel overwhelmed. The good thing will be, we are in it together with you, on the same side of the table with you, and we are by your side anytime you need us.


    Start your Cost Reduction Analysis and Cost Reduction Strategy by reaching out to us today.


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