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Corporate Responsibility




Putting efficiency into document life cycle management


It is the policy of Perfect Output to manage its business in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. We are committed to continuous improvement in our Corporate and Social Responsibility strategy and will endeavor to protect the quality and diversity of our environment while maintaining good corporate citizenship in all aspects of our business. This policy is intended to guide our actions, as well as other stakeholders such as our employees, business partners and customers.

It is our policy to comply with all applicable laws and regulations, all relevant environmental legislation, regulations and requirements, and will cooperate with all government agencies regulating our activities, and with responsible citizen organizations within the communities we serve.

Environmental Policy


Our objective is to reduce our impact on the environment through a commitment to continuous improvement. We will do this by monitoring our environmental performance and continually seeking out and investigating alternative methods for performing our services. As a result, when more environmentally sound methods are identified, we will seek to adopt these practices.

We will educate our employees in environmental responsibilities, educating them on the reasons for our specific environmental policies to develop their ability and motivation to implement our programs, and to be mindful of the effect of their actions on any natural resource.

We will also encourage all employees to generate new ideas for environmental protection, in order for Perfect Output to achieve its primary goals of environmental stewardship, effective compliance and continuous improvement.

We will conduct our activities, including contracting with other business entities, in a resource- efficient manner. We will be selective in our choice of products, processes, and services, considering the effects of those decisions. An environmental evaluation step will be included in our procurement process, allowing us to scrutinize purchases of products and services to reduce or eliminate hazardous substances and establish preferences for recycled and recyclable products. Our policy of resource-efficient behavior will include implementation of pollution-prevention techniques to reduce our generation of wastes, particularly hazardous and regulated substances. We will also take advantage of opportunities to reuse, reclaim and recycle materials we generate through implementation of waste-minimization techniques.

We will recognize and prepare our employees for their role as ambassadors to the community, raising their awareness and sensitivity to environmental issues. We will also create communication channels and a general atmosphere that encourages our employees to constructively critique our activities as they affect the environment.

Human Rights and Safety

Perfect Output is committed to treating employees in a respectful, fair, non-exploitative way.

It is our policy to comply with, and exceed where practicable, all applicable employment laws and regulations; to provide working conditions that are safe, healthy, and non-coercive; to promote diversity; and to utilize hiring practices that are responsible and open, ethical and legal.

We will continually review and analyze our human resource policies, while consistently working towards achieving a diverse workforce, recruiting, employing and promoting employees on the basis of objective criteria and the qualifications and abilities needed for the job to be performed.

Respect for each individual, and each other's rights, customs and traditions, are critical objectives of Perfect Output in creating a workplace environment in which there is mutual trust and respect, and where every person feels responsible for the performance and reputation of our company.

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